VAS Dairy "Manage your herd easily and accurately with the world’s leading herd management software." Now imagine this but for a million other niches you'll never hear of.

Striking overhead photos of the German steel industry

Realtime map of the carbon intensity of electricity production in various countries

Where to Find Roger Ebert’s Great Movies Streaming


Free springer ebooks, categorized

Connected Papers -- explore connections between academic papers. Seems to use Semantic Scholar as its source. Here, for example, is a paper I really like. Too bad I already have too many papers to read.

The bellows guy (from last week) built a 4k projector(!)

DisCoCat (category theory)

Unintended (positive consequences). Direct cash payments in Indonesia lead to a decrease in deforestation. “Conservationists don’t have to see this as a zero-sum game—that if the money goes to poverty, it’s not helping the environment.”

Who the Hell Is This Joyce (H. G. Wells) concatenative, spreadsheet-style, stack-based, immutable vector graphics language (!!)

Modularizing SQL? forum post from 2007, still relevant

Laplace Transform

The Art of Differentiating Computer Programs (book)